10 Effective Ways Motivate Yourself to Succeed

10 Effective Ways Motivate Yourself to Succeed - Success is everyone's dream, whether in the world of career, education, family or all aspects of life

10 Effective Ways Motivate Yourself to Succeed - Success is everyone's dream, whether in the world of career, education, family or all aspects of life. The hope of a successful life from oneself will be easily achieved with the spirit, strong mentality, and hard work from within.

It's just that sometimes many things hinder the journey, including laziness and hopelessness. These ups and downs will only be overcome if you have strong determination and the ability to rely on yourself.

One way is to motivate yourself to succeed stay enthusiastic about achieving success. Here are some ways to motivate yourself to succeed that you need to do.

Dream and Imagine Success

Dreams are the key to success. Without dreams, goals or goals in life, your life will have no direction. If you don't have direction, how can you be a motivator for yourself in achieving "something"?

Also, visualize your big dream and how you will feel when you get there. Happy right? Especially if the dream is a dream filled with challenges and obstacles, but you have successfully conquered it.

But the thing that needs to be underlined is, this dream must have a strong reason. This reason is what will keep you determined and do everything you can - which is positive - to achieve it.

Determine the Step and Time Period

After dreaming and visualizing, the step to motivate yourself for the next success is to determine or make a realistic dream list with several steps that need to be taken.

In order to be more responsible for achieving it, complete the list with realistic deadlines. Not too fast, but also not too long, according to their respective abilities.
Remember, dreams without deadlines will only be dreams. But a dream with a deadline, will be a goal that is increasingly clear and allows you not to stop halfway.

In addition, by making a list of targets, it will be possible to conquer more difficult targets after successfully passing one of the targets.

Good Time Management

Good processing of time management can be a motivation too, you know, to achieve success. You can imagine if you don't have good time management, then the work will overlap and make emotions fluctuate.

Instead of being successful, unstable emotions will make you easily tired and not excited about achieving your dreams. So find the right time management strategy to do.

There are many tricks you can use to get work done without putting it off. Whether it's doing hard work first then lightly so that when the energy runs out you don't get too overwhelmed. Or do light work first to raise a positive mood.

Start Small

Starting to live a dream that looks big can overwhelm a person's psychology for imagining something heavy. In order to stay motivated, it's a good idea to start small to get to the next, bigger steps.

That way, the success of the little things that pile up, will increase your satisfaction every time. Feelings of joy with physical and psychological conditions that are not too tired will be a trigger to carry out further targets.

Get Inspiration from Successful Figures

Illustrations get inspired also, a step in motivating yourself to succeed is finding a mentor or character who can keep you inspired and excited.
There are many ways that can be taken to get inspiration from successful figures. Among them is by reading their biographies, watching biographical films or attending seminars that bring in speakers who are in accordance with your field of practice.

Inspiration doesn't mean following their steps from A to Z huh. Just take the things that are important and in accordance with your character and needs. If necessary, modify and improvise according to what you want.

Give Yourself Appreciation and Punishment

Someone will feel proud and appreciated when they get a reward for their efforts. You can apply the concept to yourself too. For example, when you hit your goal for the day, you reward yourself with a delicious meal, coffee or fruit juice.

Another example, for more complex conditions, buying your favorite clothes at relatively high prices is common. This is because you have successfully worked on a tough and challenging project.

But don't forget, not only rewards for success, punishment (punishment) should also be applied if you don't meet the target or don't carry out the task according to the specified schedule. This punishment can make you more disciplined in achieving the success that has been declared.

Perform Special Rituals to Awaken the Mood

Waking up is a good time to do rituals to keep you in a good mood throughout the day and increase motivation. Either you are an early bird who likes to get up early or a night owl who is more productive at night.

Choose a ritual that can make a positive mood throughout the day. For example, doing meditation, worship, eating healthy food, drinking hot drinks, keeping a planning journal, keeping a diary, or chatting with family.

Get up and Move On

Don't make failure the final stop on the journey you've taken. One way to motivate yourself to succeed is to rise from failure and move on as soon as possible.

It could be that past failures have traumatized you so that your mind is filled with negative things. Negative thoughts can be a big obstacle to achieving dreams. Get help to overcome this.

In short, failure is not the end, but the point to learn and evaluate the process. It could be that with an evaluation of failure, the target achieved will exceed the predetermined target, right?

For example, you might compare yourself to the success of a friend who started it several years ago. You yourself also never know how he turned upside down to reach the position he is now?

Everyone has their own way. Everyone's skills, hardiness and environment are also different. It's a good idea to first compare yourself with yourself in the past. If you are better now than you used to be, then you are well on your way to success.

Enjoy the Journey to Success

While you aim to succeed with perfect time management and an endless list of jobs, one thing you shouldn't forget, is enjoying the trip.

Don't overwork and stick to the target. There are times when you have to walk slowly, take a breath and just enjoy the ride. Do regular evaluations and praise yourself for working hard.


Those were 10 ways to motivate yourself to succeed in any field that you can practice. Laziness is the main enemy that can destroy the motivation that has been built.
However, never forget that effort never betrays results. If you work hard, work smart, and work sincerely, then success will come naturally. Keep spirit!

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