Ways to Be a Calm Person in All Situations

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Ways to Be a Calm Person in All Situations ? Calm or calm people generally don't bother other people. They are also more respected because they are considered not easily carried away by their emotions.

On the other hand, people who are prone to worry, panic, and anger tend to be viewed negatively. They often get in the way of other people and make regrettable decisions at a later date.

From a health perspective, someone who is calm will live a more peaceful life. They also stay younger and experience less stress. There were not many enemies because he could resolve conflicts more wisely.

If you want to be a calm person, here are  you need Ways to Be a Calm Person to do it.

Learn to Control Emotions

Learn to control your emotions in a variety of situations. When angry, take a deep breath and find a quiet place. When you're panicking, sit down and think about possible solutions.

It should be understood that everyone has emotions by nature. It's just that, there are people who can be masters of their emotions, but there are also those who are slaves to their emotions.

When you just indulge in your emotions, of course you are only slaves to it. You will easily get nervous, panic, angry, and sad about some things that may be trivial.

Understand that Acting Rash Is Not Good

Understand that your reckless actions will not do much good. The panic that you express will not solve a problem. And the anger you let out won't cause the situation to calm down.

Conversely, if you are calm, then problems and conflicts that occur can be better resolved. Because when our heads are cold, our words and decisions will make more sense.

Instill that look in your head. That way, you can learn to be a calm person in the future.

Calculate Profit and Loss

Instead of acting on your emotions, learn to take action on a trade-off basis. For example, suppose you are a new employee at an office. A senior in the office often underestimates your abilities.

It hurts your heart to be treated like that. But on the other hand, you have to pay off the large amount of debts your parents have. If you just go along with your heart, you will probably resign right away.

Your mind will indeed calm down for a moment. However, then what? Hasn't your parents' debt been paid off?

Instead of resigning, you should tackle the senior. Because after all, you need that job to help parents.

Avoid Being Personal Perfectionists

Not a few people who have a grumpy nature basically have a perfectionist personality. There is even a little that is not up to their standards, they will panic and worry. When they see other people behaving inappropriately, they will be disappointed and angry.

Hoping things go well is not wrong. However, if we are too obsessed, then we ourselves will be disadvantaged.

Therefore, try to reduce that perfectionist nature. Lower your standards and accept that things don't have to go our way.

Learn to be more empathetic person

One way to become a calm person is to learn to be more empathetic. This is especially important if your discomfort takes the form of angry outbursts with the other person.

If you are a little disappointed and emotional with the other party, there is an indication that you do not understand the other person. So that you measure everything from your own perspective.

For example, you grew up in a well-off family and received scholarships to go abroad. When you were a lecturer, you were known to be tough on children who you thought were stupid.

In fact, these stupid students may become that way because they are less fortunate economically and support their families.

If you want to be empathetic, that is, by putting yourself in someone else's shoes, you can definitely be more tolerant. You will also appreciate those who are less successful in this life more.

And in return, you will be more loved by those around you. Super, right?

Surrender Everything to God

If you are a religious person, you can set the mindset to surrender everything to God. This mindset does not mean the mindset is easy to give up.

Of course, efforts must still be made. It's just that we don't insist that any kind of business has to be successful.

We must understand that everything has a process. And that everything that happens is already a powerful will. By thinking like this, our mind will be calmer and less rushed.

Delay Taking Decisions While Still Emotional

Our uneasiness most often causes problems when we have to make a decision. With heads that rumble with worry or anger, we take a hasty stance.

That's why, if we realize we have this tendency, we should postpone making decisions while our heads are still hot. Try, calm down first.

After that, only make decisions wisely. Over time, you will be able to make decisions faster but with a cooler head and heart.

What if the decision had to be made immediately? In those situations, you need to ask someone you trust for help.

Ask your friend or relative to join you in discussing the decision. So, you are not wrong steps later.

Reduce consumption of certain foods and beverages

Consumption of certain foods and drinks can cause our emotions to be more unstable. For example, alcohol and drinks that contain high caffeine.

Therefore, if you are in the process of becoming a calm person, reduce this consumption.

Because like it or not, our condition is influenced by what we eat. In the body, food will be processed in the digestive system. Food substances will be used to produce or trigger certain hormones.

Caffeine, for example, this substance can trigger the secretion of adrenaline which makes a person's heart beat and the mind becomes more anxious. As a result, excessive caffeine consumption tends to make a person less calm in a variety of situations.

Apply a Healthy Lifestyle

Apart from avoiding caffeine to alcohol consumption, to calm the mind, we also need to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Eat fresh foods and contain lots of vegetables. Cut down on sugar and junk food that contains excess oil.

The rest, exercise regularly according to your body condition. For example, walks for the elderly and jogging for young people.

Don't forget, get enough rest at least 6 hours per day. With a lifestyle like this, your body will be fresher so that the mind will be calmer too.

Deal with Past Trauma

Many people have a tendency to worry easily and panic because of past trauma. Some have been robbed, cheated on by their partner, and have had a bad accident.

Such occurrences can terrify a person subconsciously for a very long time. So, if this is the case, you should treat the trauma first.

Please discuss this matter with the closest person. If necessary, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. This will allow you to move on from the traumatic event and become a more stable and calm person.

Start By Practicing Awareness aka Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a branch of meditation which trains us to be aware of the present moment without reacting and without judgment. Mastering full awareness is not only trained to face certain moments, but the whole during any activity.

Mindfulness also means that we train ourselves to be fully present in the present moment, not carried away by the past or the future. In other words, we only need to focus on one moment, which is now.

The challenge is indeed formidable, that the memory of the past is attached to a lot and often appears in the shadow, while ambition about the future is also so strong that it is difficult for us to really enjoy the present moment.

But no matter how tough the challenges are, if we want to try, we can. Because in the end all of this is only part of the life process, so the moments when you read this article are also part of the life process that should be enjoyed.

Restlessness, anxiety and impatience are the bitter fruits that come from our inability to enjoy the present moment. So if you want to be a calm person, start practicing to focus on the present moment.

Keeping Your Thoughts and Emotions In Positive Conditions

Practicing the conscious mind means we also train focus. In a state of focus, of course, it is easier for us to distinguish between positive and negative, especially within ourselves first.

Indeed, in certain situations, the people around us can trigger negative emotions or thoughts in us, but at the same time we need to be fully aware that we have absolute power over ourselves.

This means that other people can trigger our negative emotions, but we can also control ourselves and not react to the negative emotions they experience. Of course, it returns to the previous topic, namely by means of mindfulness.

We can stay calm even in chaotic situations. Other people can make us feel how they feel, but they can't drag us into a bad situation that is happening.

With full awareness, we can separate every feeling that arises, when other people provoke us to be angry, we can say to ourselves like “This anger is not me. I'm calm, peaceful and unaffected by the negativity around me. "

Learn to Cope with Negative Self-Talk

So far, we have been taught to communicate well with others, but have we ever been taught how to communicate well with ourselves?

This is very important, because this is the beginning of every decision making and our actions. Negative self-talk is a kind of conversation in our minds that is influenced by negative emotions.

For example, you want to cross a bridge, then the thought appears, "What if the bridge suddenly breaks and you fall into a river, drifting away and no one can save you?"

Tell yourself "This is the bridge that the people here use every day and no one has fallen into the river to this day." Well, usually in the first conversation, negative self-talk will not stop immediately and certainly continue again, like this:

"What if you were the first to fall here?" Here you need to take a deep breath and then release it and tell yourself

"Can you think rationally? This bridge must be strong. It won't be possible for it to be used until now if it has the potential to harm people. " When you beat negative self-talk with rational reasons, it will automatically stop and you can calmly live your life.

Whenever negative self-talk comes up, don't try to ignore it, because that's your defense system. You need to talk to yourself and give reasons that really make sense, otherwise your heart will have a hard time feeling calm.

Meditation and Visualization

Indeed, many people have been by nature calm since childhood so they don't have to try hard anymore, while most of us don't and of course we need to make various efforts to program ourselves.

One of the efforts we need to do is visualization meditation coupled with saying / listening to affirmations for calm.

Visualization meditation in this case means you imagine yourself in a calm place with a calm emotional state. While affirmations mean positive words addressed to oneself repeatedly.

The positive words that we say and listen to repeatedly will gradually enter the subconscious mind and form new thought patterns which ultimately change the way we behave according to what we want.

While doing meditation, you can while saying the same sentence over and over to yourself as follows

“My body is emitting negative poison. I'm relaxed now. I'm calm in dealing with everything. I am greater than every fear and problem I face. I became the center of attention because I was so calm. "

Try to practice regularly for seven days in a row when you wake up and before bed. Just prove it for yourself because only you will feel the changes in yourself.

Leaving Bad Habits

A calm demeanor comes from a calm feeling and mind. If you try to be calm, while your thoughts and feelings are chaotic, then other people can feel that you are actually pretending to be calm.

To overcome all this pretense, it's good for you to leave all bad habits such as being lazy, procrastinating, and spending time watching, hearing or watching things that have no positive impact.

Our intelligence lies not only in the brain, but also in every cell in the body which numbers in the billions. This means, we cannot lie to ourselves and the personality we have is the result of what we have absorbed so far.

The solution is easy because according to research habits will be formed if done repeatedly for 21 days. If you intend to have positive habits now, then be prepared to suffer for the next 21 days.

But believe me, the sacrifices you make are very small when compared to the results which are much greater. Do it from your heart, because this will have a positive impact on you and the people around you.

Closing Ways to Be a Calm Person in All Situations

The calm personality is one that is characterized by the nature of not getting carried away easily. This personality will bring many benefits to the owner such as getting respect so that he can make wise decisions.

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