70 Best Quote on Action Wise quote on Action Words of Action
70 Best Quote on Action Wise quote on Action Words of Action speak louder than actions on quotations of action and reaction for self-development. In this life, we all must have personal goals and dreams, for example, want to succeed and succeed, want to make both parents happy, or at least be a useful person. But to achieve these goals, of course we are required to try harder. Don't just talk, but there is no action at all. Keep in mind that there is no instant success that can be obtained just like that. Sometimes there are assumptions that say "I've worked hard, I've also acted, but the truth is how come it's still like this, there's no progress at all?". Maybe we are not aware that not everything must be obtained. But the stagnant situation that we feel might be because there is something wrong in our actions, whether it's because of plans, views, or the way we get things. Sometimes because we really want to get something as soon as possible, we act rashly without any clear planning. We sometimes act before we think, what we have in mind is just how we succeed quickly, succeed quickly, get rich quickly, and so on. Though thinking before acting is the best way to be a winner. Just like the proverb that says 'People who work with muscles are always humiliated by people who work with the brain'. So before you act, make it a habit to think first. Thinking before acting will reduce the risk of mistakes and failures. Because we will usually analyze the situation, then act according to the situation. Be a person who is intelligent in speech, and great in action.
If the goal makes you clear what you want, the action helps you make it happen. Well, the 70 Best Quote in Action below might just be the best quote that inspires you to act so that your life and career will be better.
1. "Action is the main cause of change. Reduce complaining, over-acting"
2. "There is no need to act stupid if the purpose is only to attract someone's attention"
3. "Acting without courage is true courage"
4. "Success often comes to those who dare to act, and rarely go to cowards who don't dare to take responsibility"
5. "It's okay if you imitate the person you admire. But don't act like you're him"
6. "Whenever and wherever, we are always challenged to keep thinking good, talking good and acting well, even though the results are not always good"
7. "Just because someone always understands, doesn't mean you can act however you want. Other people also want to be understood, just like you"
8. "Action does not always bring success, but there is no success without acting"
9. "Acting as if serious, claiming to be different from the others but apparently just the same"
10. "Not everything should be tried, especially if it is not worth the risk. Think before you act"
11. "People who are quiet and act immediately will be far more successful than people who are quick to comment but are slow to get started"
12. "Don't wait; there will never be a right time. Start wherever you are, and work with whatever tools you have.The best equipment you get when you step "- Napoleon Hill
13. "Obstacles cannot stop you. Problems can't stop you. Other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " - Jeffrey Gitomer
14. "Champion is a loser who rises and tries once more." - Dennis DeYoung
15. "I failed 9,000 shots. I have lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I failed when I was trusted to shoot the ball that would win the match. I failed and failed again in life. And that is why I am successful"- Michael Jordan
16. "Success is the ability to move from failure without losing enthusiasm" - Sir Winston Churchill
17. "Success is related to action. Successful people keep going. They make mistakes but don't give up. " - Conrad Hilton
18. "There are two rules for being successful. First, find out what you want to do. Second, do that. " - Mario Cuomo
19. "Barriers are often a stepping stone." Prescott
20. "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Desire is not enough; we must do. " - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
21. "Success is not measured by the position someone has achieved in life, but the obstacles he has overcome when trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington
22. "Jika ingin mewujudkan mimpimu, hal utama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah bangun" - J.M. Power
23. "jangan menyerah dan jangan biarkan masalah mengalahkan kita" -Abdul Kalam
23. "jangan menyerah dan jangan biarkan masalah mengalahkan kita" -Abdul Kalam
24. "A journey of thousands of miles begins with the first step." - Lao Tzu
25. "I have not failed. I only found 10,000 ways that were not effective. " -Thomas A. Edison
26. "It doesn't have to be great to start something, but you have to start to be great" - Zig Ziglar
27. "People who never make mistakes are people who have never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein
28. "There is no difficult job if you divide it into small jobs." - Henry Ford
29. "Action is the main key to achieving all success." - Pablo Picasso
30. "The way to start is to stop talking and start doing." - Walt Disney
31. "You will never achieve success unless you like what you do." - Dale Carnige
32. "Successful leaders must plan their work and work on the plan." - Napoleon Hill
33. "Vision without execution is hallucination." - Henry Ford
34. "In a matter contained wisdom that will inspire action"
35. "You better prove it by acting, rather than expressing it with words"
36. "We are good at saying but bad at acting"
37. "It's funny when they are wrong but act as if they were right"
38. "Thinking idealistically and acting realistically"
39. "A person will look mature when he acts more than talks"
40. "Convince yourself that you are a good person, think good, say good and act well"
41. "Don't wait for happiness before you act. Your happiness is in action"
42. "Someone can be wrong in acting, as long as it's not wrong from his mind"
43. "Great people are people whose words are in harmony with their actions"
44. "People who scare you into not acting are people who are afraid that you will be more successful than him"
45. "There are times when we must act, there are times when we must be silent and wait"
46. "Being wrong can indeed lead to regret, but it is not greater than remorse for not acting"
47. "If we always really think before we act, regret will rarely occur"
48. "The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is just persistence"
49. "In thinking we must be wise, but in acting we must be on time"
50. "Nothing is more stupid than a human who only acts with his emotions"
51. "Dare yourself to act even at risk, because at least you will move forward, not just stay still"
52. "Great experiences cannot be experienced with little courage. Acting in fear remains more manly than people who only dare to talk but don't act"
53. "Dream big, act bigger. Pray more, try more. Fall once, get up twice"
54. "Silence is not the way to solve a problem. Because every problem will only be solved if you act"
55. "The source of success is speaking when we start and acting when we hear"
56. "Dare to act but do not dare to think critically is tantamount to walking but do not know where to go forward"
57. "Be careful when you act. The word 'sorry' can indeed cure many things, but some things will never be back to normal"
58. "Basically the remorse is caused by our own actions"
59. "Realize, complaining doesn't solve anything. Complaining will only burden your heart. Don't complain, act immediately!"
60. "Follow your heart, because if you always believe your mind, you will act logically, and logic does not always lead you to happiness"
61. "Life is a process of courage. Dare to choose, dare to act, and dare to be responsible"
62. "Whatever the outcome will be, what matters is that I act in good faith, and in the best way"
63. "Saying words is easier than acting. Therefore a wise person is someone who is able to prove his words"
64. "Those who don't have a plan often get lost. Those who have too many plans often just walk in place. From now on, make a plan and take action immediately!"
65. "Before acting, think. Before speaking, listen. Before judging, understand. Before forgetting, forgive"
66. "Most of our problems are because we act without ever thinking, or we continue to think without ever acting"
67. "Don't wait for confidence before acting. Minder but acting, that's true confidence"
68. "Have high dreams, because dreams will arouse your motivation to act"
69. "One person who acts far better than ten committed people or one hundred people who only have hearts"
70. "Don't be late in making decisions. Thinking before acting is good. But if you think too long, even the best opportunities will disappear"
Hopefully the Quote on Action above helps you get excited in life and career so you can live a better life from now on. Apart from that, which wise quote is your favorite?
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